Safeguarding Adults - Level 3 (Dental e-learning)

Recommended Text 90 mins CPD 80% required to pass

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Course Details

This module contains the following elements. 

  • You will be presented with a short casebook followed by a case study.
  • You will then need to evaluate your learning through assessment.
  • If you achieve 80% or more, you pass the course and will receive a certificate for your CPD folder.
  • If you do not pass, you will have the opportunity to review the content and retake the assessment.

Our  level 3 elearning will provide you with information that will help to demonstrate competency in accordance with the majority of requirements outlined in the intercollegiate safeguarding competences although it is not exhaustive.

It should be noted that professionals are also expected to keep abreast of key statutory and non-statutory guidance and legislation. Further, professionals should also support this elearning with regular clinical updating, clinical audit, reviews of significant events and peer discussions and take part in multidisciplinary training where possible.



This course is designed for dental staff to assist with their understanding of safeguarding adults and how to apply this understanding to their work.


 During this course learners will be able to:

  • Identify possible signs of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect using a person-centred approach.
  • Identify adults experiencing abuse, harm or neglect who have caring responsibilities, for other adults or children and make appropriate referrals.
  • Demonstrate a clear understanding, as appropriate to role, of forensic procedures in adult safeguarding and know how to relate these to practice in order to meet clinical and legal requirements as required.
  • Undertake, where appropriate, a risk and/or harm assessment.
  • Communicate effectively with adults at risk, in particular those with mental capacity issues, learning disability or communication needs.
  • Contribute to, and make considered judgements about, how to safeguard an adult at risk.
  • Contribute to/formulate and communicate effective care plans for adults who have been or may be subjected to abuse, harm or neglect.
  • Discuss the issues surrounding suspicion of adult abuse, harm, and neglect and to know how to effectively manage uncertainty and risk.

Learning Outcomes

 After completing this course the learner will gain an understanding of:

  • How to appropriately contribute to inter-agency assessments by gathering and sharing information.
  • To document concerns in a manner that is appropriate for adult safeguarding protection and legal processes.
  • How to undertake documented reviews of your own (and/or team) adult safeguarding, as appropriate to role. This can be undertaken in various ways, such as through audit, case discussion, peer review, and supervision and as a component of refresher training.
  • How to deliver and receive supervision within effective models of supervision and/or peer review, and be able to recognise the potential personal impact of adult safeguarding on professionals.
  • How to apply the lessons learnt from audit and serious case reviews/case management reviews/significant case reviews to improve practice.
  • How to advise others on appropriate information sharing.
  • How to appropriately contribute to serious case reviews/case management reviews/significant case reviews, and domestic homicide review processes.
  • How to obtain support and help in situations where there are safeguarding problems requiring further expertise and experience.
  • How to participate in and chair multidisciplinary meetings as required.
  • About, and be able to demonstrate, the skills required to participate in a safeguarding enquiry.


GDC Development Outcomes


Topics covered


Date created


Last revision
