Rodericks: (PRIOR APPROVAL) Certificate in Oral Health Education for Dental Nurses Module 01

Text 210 mins CPD 80% required to pass


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Course Details

To understand the main structures and functions in the oral cavity.


To understand the main structures and functions in the oral cavity.


By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • Describe the structure and functions of the hard tissues
  • Describe the structure and functions of the soft tissues
  • Explain and list the different eruption dates for primary and secondary dentition
  • Explain the composition and role of saliva

Learning Outcomes

The Certificate in Oral health education is specifically designed to equip a Dental Nurse wishing to develop professionally to become an oral health educator, with the knowledge and skills required to be able to effectively deliver oral health care messages, educate various patient groups and have the ability to adapt information and communication to the specific needs of the patient.

GDC Development Outcomes


Topics covered

Rodericks Dental Partners : Rodericks Dental Partners - Oral Health Education Staff Development

Date created


Last revision
